UPDATE (16th May, 2013) : Nexus 4 is now officially available in India for 25999Rs

Airtel Nexus 4

Are you thinking of buying a Nexus 4, but are skeptical whether it works well in India ? Are you worried that you can use your existing sim card like Airtel/Vodafone with your new phone ? Are you scared that you wont be able to download India-only apps on the play store ?

Then this blog post is for you. This will help you decide whether it is safe to import nexus 4 from outside India.

If you want to buy a nexus 4, read my article on how to buy nexus 4 in india.

Does Nexus 4 work well on Indian SIM cards ?

Yes it does.


See the screenshot below which shows Nexus 4 running on Airtel prepaid sim.


But the only catch is that it Continue reading “Will Nexus 4 work well in India ? FAQ for Indian owners of LG Nexus 4” »

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