Titanium mobile announcements for release dates and future plans


Watch the webcast recording for the Q&A session here

Q&A Transcript

These are the questions and answers which were posted during the Titanium webinar which took place on 27th Oct 2010

Will Blackberry still be windows only?

it’ll be mac when RIM adds a Mac simulator

Audience Question

Does Titanium support Black Barry…???? If yes how can I get it. I didn’t see anything about blackbarry on the appcelarator.com?

BlackBerry is in beta through Q1 next year.  It’s available in beta to Pro/Enterprise subscribers today

Audience Question

Will Titanium support Windows Phone 7?

At some point, yes.  WP7 is wait and see how it does relative to the other more successful platforms today.

Audience Question

What type of language does the extensions need to be coded in ?

Extensions are written in objC, Java, or JavaScript.

Audience Question

Is there documentation for extension writing?

yes, on our dev site, under our blog.

Audience Question

Will Titanium support webOS in future also?

Yes, we have an agreement in place with HP to support webOS.  2011

Audience Question

Whenn will 1.5 launch?

weeks not months.  We’re really going for a solid release and bringing Android up to snuff

Audience Question

Nice presentation. Can we get copies of this presentation?

Yes, we’ll post this by tomorrow and share the link out through our blog/twitter

Audience Question

In the Ti+Commerce video I saw, a web app was demo’d that enabled merchants to offer deals, coupons, etc.  Will this be hosted by Appcelerator as part of Ti+Commerce?


Audience Question

can’t you just take a commision on paypal sales?

we will align our incentives with our community.

Audience Question

Is GameCenter going to ever be built into Titanium?

possibly, but not a priority right now

Audience Question

Are you going to drop support for Titanium Desktop?

NO – Ti Desktop very much a part of the family.  Know it’s been long-in-the-tooth.  That’s one of the reasons why we’ve raised a bunch of $$

Audience Question

must the positions be taken on-site?

Preference is onsite, but we’re looking for good people…

Audience Question

have you managed to clone clint yet?

we just hired a VP for support and services

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