Posts tagged department


Video editing / post production / audio mixing

These are the 3 parts of the short film made for final year smriti DVD for my engineering department at my college.  The camera work, editing and background score stitching was done by me. It was shot with just one camera with each scene being broken up and captured from different angles. Wherever possible , external microphones were used to capture the audio. It started off with no script which can be clearly noticed in the course of the video. A.R.Rahmans background scores from various movies (thanks to were used to establish the mood of the scenes. The initial department logo was created by Debananda Sahoo , a friend of mine using 3dsmax. The smriti logo was rendered using After effects and Particles plugin with a 3d camera (thanks to andrew cramer for the tutorials) , although I didnt have time to make it look more professional. The editing was fully made using Cyberlink power director.

The movie has received a very good amount of views on youtube (around 50k in total till now) which clearly establishes the fact that this was the best Smriti branch video made in the history of NITK :D

Spoilers ahead …

The mood of the short film grows to become very sentimental towards the end

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PHP based CMS with chat

I developed a Web based CMS for my college which allows performing standard content management tasks.
The entire CMS was coded from scratch using PHP-MySQL-Javascript. This was one of the first projects I had taken up. The project gave me insights into the challenges associated in centralized management of the content, themes, links and other information in a website. The CMS was later used in the Chemical engineering department and chemistry department of NITK Surathkal.

The generic CMS could add/edit content, manage links, change themes, add users and manage each user profiles which are displayed publicly on the website. They could also upload files categorized under folders which have public access.

Initially, the system was built as a generic CMS , but later on with the increasing demand, more features like student login, assignments upload and review, exam results upload, faculty profile management, student chat were added.

More info:
This system was designed to be run for the NITK main website , but it never made it up there as the faculty members were looking at someone who could merely use a ready made CMS like joomla with a custom template. Once the CMS was put up on the Chemical engineering department website, it helped the department in staying up to date with all the faculty profiles being maintained by themselves and all the other pages being maintained by one of the professors ( M.B. Saidutta ). Student scores/grades were published online which helped the students to know the grades well in advance. Assignments were uploaded bu the professors using the website and students could directly save the questions onto their system instead of circulating paper print outs.
Some of the assignments which involved Matlab files has to be uploaded by the students themselves. So each student was given a login username with password for logging into system and uploading their matlab solutions. The professor incharge could then download all the solutions as a single zip file and then check their answers and post a comment about the solution back on the website. The professor could also specify a deadline for each assignment upload after which the system would disable uploads. This helped in easily managing all the assignments in one common platform and avoided a lot of manual work.
The students could also chat with others who were logged in and also could host their own files on the website.

Click to view the demo of my work. The actual magic happens behind the 'Faculty Login' block
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